Sunday, June 12, 2011

52 (Er ... 34) Weeks of Tate

Remember this? When Tate was born 51 Sundays ago, I decided to take on a weekly photo project in the same spot every Sunday to document his first year. After the first photo (above), I added another element - a knit bear, for scale. And, while I failed to catch every Sunday due to vacations and, well, having two kids, a spouse with an insane work schedule, and a full-time job of my own, I think 34 out of 52 isn't half bad. Some of the shots are better than others, some have me questioning what I was thinking (and wishing I'd varied his wardrobe a bit more), and one week I apparently switched locations to the sofa, but they do a decent job as a series capturing our year of Tate. Enjoy!

Tate is so happy to be done with the photo series that he wanted to celebrate by putting his birthday hat on early.


Sarah said...

WOW - what a wonderful remembrance these pictures are. Something Tater will treasure when he is older. Great job Shani!!!

Sanem said...

What a great idea. He really had a growth spur between weeks 4 and 5 :-)