Sunday, March 29, 2009


Chiaroscuro is an art term that means having a strong contrast between light and dark. Caravaggio is famous for his use of chiaroscuro to create drama in his paintings. We get some really great morning light in West's room and a few of the photos from this morning's shoot illustrated the concept of chiaroscuro beautifully. Others were just plain cute. I hope you enjoy the results!

Thhhhhhh ...

West learned how to pronounce "Th" today. He doesn't seem to be able to stop. Seriously, multiply this video times a thousand and you have a sense for what my morning has been like. It's pretty darn cute.

Strawberry Blonde

West finished second best in an altercation with a strawberry at the farmers market yesterday morning.

Here are some shots from before the strawberry incident, for comparison (and general cuteness!)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stand and Deliver

West is well on his way to walking. He can pull up to standing and cruise with the best of them. He can even bend down to pick up toys while standing up! I'll try to catch that trick next time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

In Like a Lion ...

How Much is that Baby in the Window?


West is getting so BIG! Here he is, rocking his Run DMC shirt from Aunt Tana both inside and out. As you can see, he is still a skilled drooler.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sneaker Pimp

As you can see, West has amassed quite the shoe collection. These pairs are in various sizes (up to age 3) so look for them to be featured in future blog posts. Our kid is going to have mad hipster cred.
Aaron is particularly jealous of West's sneaker collection.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Guy Time

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

West has been pulling up to standing for a while now and he is starting to cruise around all sorts of things - his crib, his exersaucer, the coffee table, basically anything he can pull up onto. Here is a photo series of him starting to cruise around his crib. I love how he goes from contemplative and apprehensive to victorious and triumphant!
