Saturday, January 24, 2009


As you can see, West has been wearing his new converse crib shoes (and fabulous French ensemble) out! His hipster cred is firmly established - now we just have to maintain.

So Many Videos, So Little Time

A quick update:

Bathtime is still fun. West can even pull himself up to standing from a seated position while in the tub. Yikes!

Swings are sort of fun. West was unconvinced during this session, his first time taking a swing for a spin. We are hoping he comes around.

Yoga is awesome! West is especially proud of his proficiency at the downward-facing dog pose.

Slides are just all right ... so far. This was only his second attempt and, of course, Daddy slowed him down and ruined all the fun.

West's latest trick is babbling. Consonants are apparently the most fun of all! You can listen to a sample of his conversational brilliance here. He appears to be an L man.

Mind Your Peas and Q's

Here are some photos of West's first foray into peas. As you can see, they were a hit! We've since taken to calling him "Greenbeard." His favorite foods so far, though, are pears and avocado. He is developing quite the palette - we have high hopes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Star is Born

Eureka! I found a single photo from West's photo shoot on the photographer's blog. I don't think she would appreciate my posting it on this site but you can see it here. Her name is Andrea Scher and she was terrific! Speesees, the company that invited West to wear their darling clothes and play with the other incredibly adorable and completely sweet kids, is pretty amazing as well. You can check out their line of organic, fair trade baby clothes & accessories here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kickin' It

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Ahearn for the Chuck Taylors our little All-Star is sporting. And to Auntie Kate for the super-cute ensemble!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Six Monthaversary

West is six months old today - crawling & smiling up a storm, ready to start daycare tomorrow. He now weighs 18 lbs 8 oz. and is 29" long. His head circumference, in case anyone is interested, is 43-3/4". Those measurements put him over the 97th percentile in everything but weight, where he falls into the 85th percentile. Still a skinny stretch, to be sure. Here are a hodgepodge of recent pics, including a few with the 'rents.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fall Guy

Today was another beautiful crisp, sunny San Francisco day. Even though it's technically winter, we thought it felt like autumn so we took these pictures of West among the leaves. He thought they were delicious!